North Korea fired ‘several short-range ballistic missiles’ into the sea on the morning of January 14, according to Seoul's military. The launch came as the Japanese foreign minister visited South Korea for a series of meetings with top officials."The South Korean military detected several short-range ballistic missiles fired into the East Sea," Seoul's military said. The launch took place near North Korea's Ganggye area, with the missiles flying 250 kilometres before landing in the sea, as per Seoul.South Korean and US intelligence agencies had monitored Pyongyang's launch preparations, the military said. Seoul said it maintained "full readiness" and shared information with Washington and Tokyo. n18oc_world n18oc_crux0:00 INTRODUCTION3:15 KIM’S MISSILES A MESSAGE FOR TRUMP?4:28 JAPAN- SOUTH KOREA REAFFIRM CLOSE TIES
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