The song Dabidi Dibidi from the film Daaku Maharaaj sparked social media backlash due to the notable age gap between 30-year-old Urvashi Rautela and 64-year-old Nandamuri Balakrishna. The choreography also came under fire, with many criticizing it as "vulgar." Addressing the controversy, Urvashi acknowledged the "shocking" age difference but pointed out that similar age gaps were common among iconic stars like Sridevi and their co-actors. Watch the video for more details. bollywood news | entertainment news live | latest bollywood news | bollywood | news18 | n18oc_moviesLiked the video? Please press the thumbs up icon and leave a comment. Subscribe to Showsha YouTube channel and never miss a video: Showsha on Instagram: Showsha on Facebook: Showsha on X: Showsha on Snapchat: entertainment and lifestyle news and updates on:
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